Assisted Living Solutions

Visiplex’s wireless assisted living paging products allow senior facilities, assisted living centers, and nursing home professionals an instant wireless link to nurses, caregivers, and staff members with detailed text messaging, audible alerts, and visual notifications. These Assisted Living paging solutions include a variety of wireless portable and wall-mounted transmitters that expands the connectivity level between residents’ rooms and facility staff members.
Assisted Living Intercom System
Visiplex offers turnkey wireless paging systems specially designed for assisted living centers, senior facilities, and nursing homes to provide two-way intercom communication and alerts between residents, nurses, caregivers, and staff members. When a call is initiated from a resident intercom station or pendant, it’s received by the central paging controller with room and resident information to start a two-way voice communication link.
Wireless Nurse Call System
Visiplex offers an easy-to-install wireless resident call system specifically designed for assisted living centers, senior facilities, and nursing homes. Using wireless pull cord transmitters, pendants, and portable alert devices, residents can initiate a call to caregivers, nurses, or staff members with exact name and location information. When a call is answered, a “cancel call” can be initiated to provide a complete record of each call event and response times.