Industrial Communication Solutions

Visiplex’s Industrial Communication Systems are designed to help manufacturing plants and industrial facilities implement solutions such as overhead voice paging, emergency warning systems, automated call devices, public address messaging, time synchronization, and break bell alerts. This manufacturing plant communication system is wireless, making installation, relocation, and replacement simple and cost-effective.
Public Address System
Visiplex offers a variety of wireless public address paging systems to help you reach people across your facility. Our solutions range from a simple stand-alone PA system to a fully networked system with multi-user configurations to match any indoor/outdoor overhead paging and text messaging applications. These wireless paging systems can be programmed to activate and communicate with each wireless public address speaker individually or as part of multiple paging zones.
Break Time Buzzer System
Manufacturing plants and industrial facilities need break bell alerts for orderly function and efficiency to maintain operational effectiveness. Visiplex’s wireless paging systems offer an easy and innovative way to upgrade or replace an existing bell system and incorporate a cost-effective, fully synchronized system.
Industrial Paging System
Visiplex wireless paging system provides manufacturing plants and industrial facilities an easy way to install and implement an overhead paging system for daily communications and emergency notifications. This industrial paging system can function with multiple indoor/outdoor zones and communicate individually with each specific area or wireless PA speaker. This system can also provide staff members with instant alarm messaging, production line alerts, and notifications during situations of duress.
Industrial Clock System
Visiplex offers manufacturing plants and industrial facilities the ability to synchronize their clocks seamlessly by using an RF time synchronization signal. This promotes the highest level of productivity, reliability, and efficiency throughout any facility. Using a radio transmitter, the Visiplex industrial clock system sends accurate time information to synchronize the facility’s wireless clocks and bells. Visiplex offers industrial wall clocks, LED digital clocks, and LED message boards in various styles and sizes to match all-time display needs.