School Clock System
Visiplex offers a wireless school clock system that can incorporate accurate synchronized time for clocks and bells throughout the school facility, providing the benefits of improved productivity and reduced maintenance costs. This school clock system offers a variety of analog clocks, LED digital clocks, and LED alphanumeric displays in various styles and sizes to match all school needs.
The Visiplex school clock system sends accurate time information to synchronize all clocks and bells wirelessly using a radio transmitter. The time source for the school clock system can be a GPS receiver or a networked PC time server.
This school clock system can be expanded at any point using wireless PA speakers to provide additional features, such as indoor/outdoor voice messaging, wireless two-way intercom communications, and scheduled break bell alerts.
Expandable School Clock System
The VS4820 wireless base station can be set to send an accurate time signal to synchronize all analog & digital clocks throughout a facility, regardless of size. In addition, the VS4820 can provide many other productive solutions, such as facility-wide PA speakers for voice announcements, break bells and public alerts, SMS text notifications, two-way intercom communication, public visual alerts, and text messaging to LED message boards.
To learn more about the VS4820 paging base station – click here.
To select wireless analog clocks to match your needs – click here.
To select wireless LED digital clocks & message boards – click here.
To select wireless PA speakers to match your needs – click here.
To select wireless Two-Way intercom stations – click here.
To select wireless visual alert devices – click here.
Wireless School Clock System
The Visiplex school clock system is based on a wireless desktop base station with a radio transmitter that can send an accurate time signal to wireless analog & digital clocks to synchronize their time. Visiplex offers a variety of analog clocks, digital clocks, and LED time/message boards to match your needs.
To learn more about the VS4500 base station – click here.
To select wireless analog clocks to match your needs – click here.
To select wireless LED message boards/digital clocks – click here.