School PA System

Visiplex’s wireless school PA system provides K-12 schools with an easy way to install and implement an overhead paging system for daily paging communications and school-wide voice notifications. Using a paging base station and an array of wireless indoor/outdoor PA speakers, the central office personnel can page and talk to the whole school area, a single building, or a specific classroom.
Each Visiplex school PA system offers additional wireless features such as wireless 2-way intercom communications, break bell alerts, clock time synchronization, text messaging to LED message boards, remote access over the phone, and more.

Expandable School PA System
An expanded wireless school PA system offers, in addition, to voice paging, many additional features such as 2-way voice communication with wireless intercom stations, SMS text notifications, time synchronization, public visual alerts, text messaging to LED message boards, automated emergency alerts, and even background music capabilities.
To learn more about the VS4820 paging base station – click here.
To select wireless PA speakers to match your needs – click here.
To select wireless 2-way intercom stations – click here.
To select wireless LED message boards & Digital Clocks- click here.
To select wireless visual alert devices – click here.
Wireless School PA System
The Visiplex school PA system is based on a wireless base station equipped with a handset or microphone. This unit can initiate live voice announcements or pre-recorded messages to wireless PA speakers. The user can easily select to page for a specific speaker/classroom, a group of speakers/zones, or all PA speakers.
To select the right wireless paging base station – click here.
To select wireless PA speakers to match your needs – click here.