Wireless Intercom Systems

Visiplex Wireless Intercom Systems provide professional, effective, and simple-to-install solutions for commercial facilities, schools, industrial plants, warehouses, and other locations where two-way voice communication is needed.

Wireless Intercom Base Station System
A robust wireless 2-way intercom system that includes a desktop intercom base station. Located at a central location, the system operator can initiate/answer intercom calls to/from multiple wall-mounted wireless intercom stations across the facility. With a push of a button, intercom stations can initiate a call to the base station, making two-way voice communication a simple task at every location. This intercom system can be enhanced by adding wireless PA speakers, LED message boards, and visual alert devices for facility-wide messaging and emergency alerts.
To learn more about the VS4820 wireless base station – click here.
To select wireless wall-mounted intercom stations – click here.
To add wireless PA speakers for overhead voice paging – click here.
To add wireless LED message boards – click here.
To add wireless visual alert devices – click here.
Advanced Station to Station Intercom System
A simple and effective intercom solution where each wall-mounted wireless intercom station can initiate intercom calls to any of the other stations. In addition, each station can make public voice announcements to all other stations at once to activate emergency alerts.
To learn more about the VNS2420 wireless intercom station – click here.
To add wireless PA speakers for overhead voice paging – click here.
Direct Station to Station Intercom System
A simple station-to-station solution is the most basic configuration of wireless intercom systems. Two stations are installed at two different locations to provide 2-way voice communication from one station to the other with the push of a button.
To learn more about the VNS2410 wireless intercom station – click here.